Our Providers have one goal
to provide
“A Different Kind of HealthCare”
Jarynet Beltran APRN Owner and Founder
Mission and Vision
We live in a world of instant gratification. We have become use to the “microwave” lifestyle. Putting microwave meals in for 2 minutes and having a full course dinner. Along with wanting instant gratification, we have lost a lot of nutritional value along the way. The foods we eat literally have been stripped away from the essential nutrients that we need to maintain the bodies homeostasis.
Medicine has also moved into this direction of instant gratification or instant symptom relief. We now ignore our bodies efforts to communicate, such as pain, headache, fatigue, inflammation, nausea, rashes, and so much more. We try to instead of finding the reason or cause of why our bodies are reacting like this we instead find a quick solution to quiet the body way of communicating to us.
There are many healthcare clinics and aesthetic clinics that practice in this 2-minute microwave of instant gratification, more than often ignoring the body communicating to us. The body is an intricate and delicate structured mechanism.
We have evolved and are different from animals in the sense that we are able to think and communicate rather differently but has this taken away from our natural way of hearing our internal bodies way of communicating with us?
Animals although not having our same ability to think and communicate can still seem to know when there is illness or that internal instinct of awareness that somewhere along the line we have lost.
I believe that for us to effectively create wellness within the body, we must create awareness through education and the application of the art of science with the services in which we provide.
Over the course of the instant gratification era, we have lost nutritional value and the innate ability to hear our bodies. The increase in our fast past life has evolved our society into one that is now encountering chronic disease and obesity like never before. There is a great association with food and emotions in our culture, which is leading to overeating, eating food with less nutritional value, and creating chaos within our bodies. With the extensive ability to have information at our fingertips, could it be possible that we choose not to use it for the most important thing, our bodies?
My promise is that through our services, we can empower people to take the journey to better your wellness on all different levels, mind, body, and soul.